Friday, April 10, 2020

Somewhere in Between

After a month or so of national-popular rhetoric, pathetic hashtags, and online fictional dance classes, Florence’s dance schools suddenly realised that closed doors, blurred mirrors, empty rooms, and no music can’t pay rents. Yet not all schools were equal before. But now we’re all in the same desert. And, yet, we each of us always did our best to do “social distancing” from each other, and, luckly in art, we (most, but not all of us) have always managed to avoid rigged gladiatorial dance contests and all its intrinsic business model. But in the end, nothing helped. It’s all even in the end. We were not all equal, but we’re all equal.

This week’s supermoon was 356,907 km away. Photo: Yahia Nazroo.

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