Friday, June 26, 2020

Off the Chart

Zdenko Kožul – Robert Zelčić
21st Croatian Chess Championship; Vinkovci, June 25, 2020
1Q6/1b3ppk/6r1/3p1q1p/2pB3n/P3RPP1/1P5P/3R2K1 w - - 5 30

Position after 29. ... Kg8-h7

Yesterday, in the round seven of the 21st Croatian Chess Championship, Zelčić overtook Kožul thanks to a lucky win as Black. In the position of the diagram, White, who is to play, should capitalise on his extra Exchange (for instance with 30. Kh1!±), but instead gets ensnared into his own mirage of mate: 30. Re8?? Nxf3+ 31. Kh1. Kožul is not tempted by 31. Kg2 Qc2+, but it’s doubtful that his move will work any better. 31. ... Rf6? (31. ... Re6! 32. Rh8+ Kg6 33. Bxg7! Re2! 34. Rh6+! Kg5! 35. g4 Qxg4 36. Qd8+ Kf4 37. Qf6+ Qf5−+) 32. Rh8+? Of course, 32. Bxf6?? loses right off to 32. ... Qc2, but 32. g4! hxg4 33. Bxf6 Nd2!∞ would have very likely ended in a draw. 32. ... Kg6 33. Qg8. Threatening Qg8-h7+ followed by mate. Now 33. g4 hxg4 34. Bxf6 would no longer be of any help to White on account of 34. ... Qe4! 35. Qg3 d4!−+ winning by force. 33. ... Ng5! 0 : 1.

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