Thursday, July 16, 2020

Edge of Tomorrow

In her quarterfinal match of the 1st Online Women’s Speed Chess Championship Grand Prix’s fourth leg, four-time Women’s World Chess Champion and Rhodes Scholar 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) knocked off Zhansaya Daniyarovna Abdumalik 7½–3½ to make it to the semifinal against her long-time rival Humpy Koneru. Screenshot from the live stream.

侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) – Zhansaya Daniyarovna Abdumalik
1st Online Women’s Speed Chess Championship Grand Prix; fourth leg; match game 7; time control: 3 minutes plus 1 second per move;, July 16, 2020
Spanish Game C90

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 0-0 8. d3 d6 9. c3 Na5 10. Bc2 c5 11. Nbd2 Be6 12. Nf1 Qc7 13. h3 Rfe8 14. Ng3TN (14. d4 cxd4 15. cxd4 Rac8 16. Bd3 Bc4 17. Ne3 Bxd3 18. Qxd3 g6 19. a4 b4 20. Bd2 Qb7= Leskur – Simonyi, 17th Battle of Senta, Senta 2013) 14. ... Bf8 15. Ng5 Bc8 16. f4 Nc6 17. Rf1 h6 18. Nf3 exf4?! (18. ... d5!) 19. Bxf4 g6? (19. ... Bb7 20. Nh2!?↑) 20. Qd2 Kh7 21. Rf2 Bg7 22. Raf1 Ra7 23. d4+− cxd4 24. cxd4 Ng8?! 25. Be3 (25. Nh5! gxh5 26. Bxd6!→) 25. ... Na5 26. b3 Rb7 27. Nh4 d5 28. e5 Be6

29. Rxf7! A devastating blow! However, there was at least a “dual”: 29. Nxg6! fxg6 30. Bxg6+!+− Kxg6?? 31. Qd3+ followed by mate next move. 29. ... Bxf7 30. Rxf7 Qxf7 31. Bxg6+! Qxg6 32. Nxg6 Kxg6 33. Qc2+ Kf7 34. Qf5+ Ke7 35. Qg6 Kf8 36. Qxa6 Ne7 37. Qxa5 Rc8 38. Qd2 Rbc7 39. Bxh6 Rc2 40. Qf4+ Kg8 41. Qg5 1 : 0.

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