Monday, August 24, 2020



When, at your gesture, the last shreds
of tobacco are extinguished in the glass plate,
slowly rising to the ceiling
are the coils of smoke
at which the bishops and the knights gaze
astounded from their chequered board; and other
rings are following that are still lighter
than those on your fingers.

The mirage which sketches towers
and bridges in the sky has vanished
at the first breeze; the unseen window opens
and the smoke is stirred. Down there below,
another flock is on the move; a horde
of men who do not recognize your incense,
of whose chess board you alone
compose the pattern.

It was my former doubt that even
to you the game might be unknown
which transpires on the squares and now is cloud
outside your doors: not cheaply to be soothed
is mortal madness, if your eye’s flash
is weak; it asks for other fires beyond
the heavy curtains, which the god of chance
foments for you when helpful.

Today I know what you desire; subdued,
the Martinella tolls, terrifying
the ivory figurines with the spectral
light of snows. But wins the prize
of the lonely vigil he who can
oppose, before the burning glass
that blinds the pawns, your eyes of steel.

Eugenio Montale, “Le Occasioni”, 1939
English translation by Edith Farnsworth

Will Barnet, Chess Game, 1973. Courtesy of Wichita Art Museum.

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