Friday, January 22, 2021

Odd One Out

Jorden van Foreest – David Antón Guijarro
83rd Tata Steel Chess Tournament; Wijk aan Zee, January 22, 2021
Spanish Game C84

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Be7 6. d3 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 0-0 9. h3 h6 10. a4 Bd7 11. Bc2 b4 12. Nbd2 Re8 13. a5 Bf8 14. Re1 Rb8 15. d4TN (15. Nc4 Qc8 16. Bd2 bxc3 17. bxc3 Ne7 18. d4 Ng6 19. d5 Bb5 20. Na3 Bd7 21. Nc4 Bb5 22. Na3 Bd7 23. Bd3 c6 24. c4 c5 25. Rb1 Qc7 26. Kh2 Be7 27. Qc2 Rxb1 28. Rxb1 Rb8 29. Rb2 ½ : ½ Mekhitarian – Leitão, Zonal 2.4 Absoluto 2013 Brasil – Peru – Bolívia, Ponta Negra, Manaus 2013) 15. ... bxc3 16. bxc3 exd4 17. cxd4 Nb4 18. Bb1 g6 19. Ra3 Bg7 20. Nf1 Rb5 21. Ng3

21. ... Nh5? Much of Black’s trouble is probably due to this move which effect is to rim the Rook out on the Kingside. 21. ... Nh7 followed by ... Nh7-g5 was quite likely to be a better way to stay in control. 22. Nxh5 Rxh5 23. d5! Cutting the board in two and putting the Black Rook out of play. 23. ... c5 24. Bf4 Bb2 25. Rae3 Qf6 26. Bg3 c4 27. Qe2 Bb5

28. e5. The newly Grandmaster Max Warmerdam conveniently noted that “Jorden could have gone for the beautiful 28. Bxd6! here, with the idea of sacrificing the Queen after 28. ... c3 29. Qxb5! axb5 30. Bxb4 with a winning advantage. Instead, he went for the more normal-looking 28. e5 which seems to give a winning advantage as well”. 28. ... Bxe5 29. Nxe5 dxe5 30. Bxe5 Rexe5 31. Rxe5 c3 32. Qe3 c2 33. Rxh5 gxh5 34. Bxc2 Nxc2 35. Qe5 Kg7 36. Re4 Bd3?? This puts an immediate end to Black’s suffering, but the ending ensuing after 36. ... Qxe5 37. Rxe5 Nd4 38. d6 Bc6 (38. ... Nc6? 39. d7!+−) 39. Kh2 Nb5 40. Rd5! was also tremendously bleak. 37. Qg3+ 1 : 0.

After five draws in a row, Dutch Grandmaster van Foreest finally broke the ice, by winning his first game of the year. Photo © Jurriaan Hoefsmit/Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2021.


  1. In his ChessBase report Klaus Besenthal also gives the following variation: 31...Rxe5 32.Qxe5 Qxe5 33.Rxe5 c3 34.d6 c2 35.Bxc2 Nxc2 36.Rxb5! and wins. See

  2. "Oder 32...Qxe5 33.Qxe5 Rxe5 34.Rxe5 c2 35.Bxc2 Nxc2 36.d6 Bc6 37.Rc5 Nd4 38.Rc4 Der weiße turm und sein Freibauer sind hier stärker als die schwarzen Leichtfiguren" (Besenthal). See
