Saturday, April 10, 2021


Jonas Buhl Bjerre – 雷挺婕 (Léi Tǐngjié)
1st Julius Bär Challengers Chess Tour; 1st stage; Polgár Challenge; time control: 10 minutes plus 5 seconds per move;, April 10, 2021
Catalan Opening E04

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. g3 dxc4 5. Bg2 Nc6 6. Qa4 Bb4+ 7. Bd2 Nd5 8. Bxb4 Nxb4 9. Ne5 0-0 10. Nxc6 Nxc6 11. e3 b5. 11. ... e5 12. d5 Ne7 13. Qxc4 c6 is more usual; for instance: 14. dxc6 Nxc6 15. Nc3 Be6 16. Qb5 Qb6 17. Qxb6 axb6 18. 0-0 Rfd8 19. Rfd1 Kf8 20. Bd5 Ke7 21. Kf1 f5 22. f3 b5 23. Bxe6 Rxd1+ 24. Rxd1 Kxe6 25. a3 b4 26. axb4 Nxb4 27. Ke2 Na2 28. Rb1 Nb4 29. Rd1 Na2 30. Rb1 Nb4 31. Rd1 Na2 ½ : ½ Wojtaszek – Mamedyarov, 5th Gashimov Memorial, Şəmkir 2018. 12. Qxb5 Rb8 13. Qa4 Nb4 14. 0-0 Bd7 15. Qd1 Qe7?! While arguably an improvement over 15. ... Nd5?! 16. Qc1 Bb5 17. Nc3 c6 18. Rd1 Qe7 19. Ne4 Nb6 20. Nc5 Nd7 21. Nxd7 Qxd7 22. Qc3 Rfd8 23. Bf1 h6 24. Rd2 Qd5 25. Rc1 c5 26. Bxc4 Bxc4 27. Qxc4 cxd4 28. Rxd4 Qxc4 29. Rxd8+ Rxd8 30. Rxc4 Rd2 31. Rb4 Kf8 32. Rb8+ Ke7 33. Rb7+ Kf6 34. a4 a5 35. Kg2 h5 36. Kf3 g5 37. Rb5 g4+ 38. Kg2 Kg6 39. b3 Rb2 40. h3 f5 41. hxg4 hxg4 42. Kf1 Kf6 43. Ke1 e5 44. Rxa5 Rxb3 45. Ra6+ Kg5 46. Ra8 Rb1+ 47. Ke2 Rb2+ 48. Kf1 Rb1+ 49. Kg2 Ra1 50. a5 Kg6 51. a6 e4 52. a7 Kg7 53. Kh2 Ra6 54. Kg1 Ra1+ 55. Kg2 Ra3 56. Kf1 Ra1+ 57. Ke2 Ra6 58. Kd2 Rd6+ 59. Kc3 Rc6+ 60. Kd4 Rc7 61. Rg8+ 1 : 0 Vlasov – Isajevsky, 6th PriFO Championship, Kazan 2008, it doesn’t seem, however, to best serve Black’s strategic needs. The Pawn sacrifice by 15. ... e5!? 16. dxe5 Be6 might offer better chances of dynamic balance. 16. Na3! White is going to win a Pawn, for which Black gets very little or nothing in return. 16. ... Nd3 17. Nxc4 Nxb2 18. Nxb2 Rxb2 19. Qc1 Qa3 20. Qxc7 Bb5 21. Rfb1 Bd3 22. Rxb2 Qxb2 23. Qc1

23. ... Qb4? 23. ... Rb8! gives a tough fight to White (and a challenge which is probably not winnable). 24. Qd1 Qa3 25. Qb3! Qxb3 26. axb3 Rc8 27. d5! Now, instead, Black must defend a much more worse endgame. 27. ... exd5 28. Bxd5 Rc7 29. e4 g5 30. f3 Kg7 31. Kf2 a6 32. Ke3 Bb5 33. Kd4 Rc2 34. h4 gxh4 35. gxh4 Rh2 36. Rg1+ Kf8 37. Rg4 Be8 38. e5 Ke7 39. Bc4

39. ... a5? 39. ... Bd7! 40. Rf4 Be6! might still give a tough time to White. 40. Rf4 Rf2 41. Kc5 Rc2 42. Kb6 Rc1 43. Kxa5 Re1 44. Rf5 Rh1 45. h5 Rb1 46. Kb4 Rb2 47. Kc5 Rc2 48. h6 Kd8 49. Kb4 Ke7 50. f4 Rf2 51. Rf6 Rf3 52. Kc5 Rc3 53. Kd4 Rc1 54. Bd3 Rd1 55. Kc3 Rh1 56. Bxh7 Bd7 57. Be4 Rh3+ 58. Kd4 Be6 59. b4 Rb3 60. Kc5 Rc3+ 61. Kb5 Bd7+ 62. Kb6 Be6 63. h7 Rh3 64. b5 Kf8 65. f5 Bd7 66. e6 Be8 67. exf7 Bd7 68. Rd6 1 : 0.

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