Sunday, April 11, 2021


Nodirbek Abdusattorov – 雷挺婕 (Léi Tǐngjié)
1st Julius Bär Challengers Chess Tour; 1st stage; Polgár Challenge; time control: 10 minutes plus 5 seconds per move;, April 11, 2021
Giuoco Piano C54

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. c3 Nf6 5. d3 d6 6. Bb3 h6 7. Nbd2 a5 8. h3 Bd7 9. Nf1 Ne7 10. Ng3 Ng6 11. 0-0 a4 12. Bc2 0-0 13. d4 Ba7 14. Be3 b5 15. Qd2 Re8 16. Rad1 Qe7 17. Rfe1 Be6 18. b3 axb3 19. axb3 Rad8 20. Ra1 Bb6 21. d5 Bxe3 22. Qxe3 Bd7 23. Ra7. White took control of the a-file, so maybe now Black could even think to give up a Pawn by 23. ... Ra8 (Δ 24. Rxc7 Nf4) in order to gain counterplay. 23. ... Rc8 24. Bd3 Nf4 25. Bf1 Qf8 26. Rea1 c6 27. Rxd7 Nxd7 28. dxc6 Rxc6. Probably safer is 28. ... Nb8 29. Bxb5 Nxc6 30. Qb6 Rb8! 31. Qxc6 Rec8 32. Qd7 Rd8 forcing a draw by repetition. 29. Bxb5? It was time for White to regain the Exchange by 29. Ra7! Nc5 30. Bxb5 Ra8! 31. Rxa8 Qxa8 32. Bxc6 Qxc6 33. Nd2 remaining a Pawn ahead. 29. ... Rc7 30. Ra7 Rec8? A very strange move. If nothing else, after 30. ... Rxa7 31. Qxa7 Rd8 Black can hope to cash in on her material advantage. 31. Bxd7 Rxc3 32. Qb6 Rb8 33. Rb7 Rxb7 34. Qxb7 Qd8 35. Bc6

35. ... Nxh3+!? 36. gxh3 Rxf3 37. Kg2? Black’s trick worked well. White ought to play 37. Bd5! keeping his grip over the board. 37. ... Qf6 38. Nf5 Rc3. Now the game is unclear but probably equal, even though easier for Black.

Emotionality takes over and White commits harakiri: 39. Qe7?? Qxe7 40. Nxe7+ Kf8 41. Nd5 Rxc6 42. b4 Rc4 43. Kf3 f5 44. exf5 Rd4 45. Nc7 Rxb4 46. Kg3 Kf7 47. f3 Rf4 48. Nb5 Ke7 0 : 1.

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