Friday, April 9, 2021


雷挺婕 (Léi Tǐngjié) – Nurgyul Salimova
1st Julius Bär Challengers Chess Tour; 1st stage; Polgár Challenge; time control: 10 minutes plus 5 seconds per move;, April 9, 2021
Slav Defence D10

1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. cxd5 cxd5 4. Bf4 Nc6 5. e3 Nf6 6. Nc3 a6 7. Be2 e6 8. Rc1 Bd6 9. Bxd6 Qxd6 10. f4 0-0 11. Nf3 Bd7 12. Ne5. White has set a “Pillsbury Formation”, hoping for a Kingside attack. 12. ... Rac8 13. 0-0 Ne7 14. Bd3 b5 15. Qe2 b4 16. Nb1

16. ... a5?! Better seems 16. ... Bb5! eventually giving up a Pawn for good positional compensation. 17. Nd2 a4 18. g4!↑ g6?! A better chance might have been 18. ... Bc6 in order to answer 19. g5 by 19. ... Ne4 offering a Pawn to break up White’s attack, as after 20. Nxc6 Rxc6 21. Nxe4 dxe4 22. Bxe4 Nd5 Black can still hope for a draw. 19. g5 Nh5 20. Ndf3 Nf5

21. Nxd7?! (21. Ng4→) 21. ... Qxd7 22. Ne5 Qa7 23. Bxf5 exf5 24. Qb5 Rxc1 25. Rxc1

25. ... Nxf4! Most probably this pretty resource must have been overlooked by White when she made her 21st move. 26. Nc6 Nh3+? Black ends by throwing all away. 26. ... Qc7! 27. exf4 Qxf4 was good enough for a draw by perpetual check. 27. Kg2 Qd7 28. Kxh3 f4+ 29. Kh4 h5. Threatening mate at g4. 30. h3! Game over (30. Qe2? f6!∞). 30. ... Re8 31. Na7! Qe6 32. Qxe8+ Qxe8 33. Rc8 Qxc8 34. Nxc8 fxe3 35. Kg3 1 : 0.

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