Friday, April 30, 2021

A Castle in the Sky

5b1r/pp4pp/1n2k3/3pq3/3p4/3B4/PP1B2PP/3Q2KR b K - 0 1

The above diagram, showing a position with Black to move, was presented by Grandmaster Ruslan Olegovich Ponomariov as an instructive example of how counterintuitive the rules of castling in Fischerandom chess (a.k.a. chess960) at times appear to be. “At this position can Black prevent short castle by playing ... Qe5-f6?”, he asks. The answer is no — 1. ... Qf6 doesn’t prevent White’s h-side castling (2. 0-0), which, in the specific case, is performed by “Rook-move-only”, i.e. by the Rook jumping over the King. Not incidentally, the answer is also the solution of the puzzle/quiz, for after 1. ... Qf6 2. 0-0 Black might well resign.

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