Thursday, June 24, 2021


In an interview with Prasad Ramasubramanian of The Times of India, four-time Women’s World Chess Champion 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) talked about her début in the Champions Chess Tour 2021, about her struggle to maintain a good balance between chess and university, and also about the next World Chess Championship match between Carlsen and Nepomniachtchi. A must read, enjoy.
I agree that I haven’t played a lot of major tournaments. In the last few years, I have been busy completing my Masters in public policy. Managing chess with academics has been tough. Once I finished my course at Oxford, I began playing a few tournaments. As a professor at 深圳大学 (Shēnzhèn University), I devote my full time to that and also train in chess whenever there is spare time. The COVID-19 pandemic means that travelling is difficult and so I will feature in online tournaments only. When the situation becomes better and travel bans are lifted, I hope to play in over-the-board events too. [Read more]

我同意我没有参加过很多主要比赛。 在过去的几年里,我一直忙于完成我的公共政策硕士学位。 与学者一起管理国际象棋很困难。 在牛津完成学业后,我就开始参加一些锦标赛。 作为深圳大学的教授,我把我的全部时间都奉献给了它,并且一有空闲时间就会下棋。 COVID-19 大流行意味着旅行很困难,所以我只会参加在线锦标赛。 当情况好转,旅行禁令解除后,我希望也能参加团体赛。【阅读更多】。

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