Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Once Upon a Summertime

Samuel L. Shankland – Sergey Alexandrovich Karjakin
9th Chess World Cup; match game 1; Krasnaya Polyana, July 28, 2021
r7/1pb5/1p1nkpp1/1Pp4p/P3PP2/2BK2P1/3N3P/R7 b - - 0 38

Position after 38. e3-e4

In the position of the diagram, Black should play 38. ... g5! with roughly balanced chances, but time shortage causes Karjakin to make a serious mistake: 38. ... f5? French Grandmaster Romain Édouard calls it a “move that looks taken from a horror movie!”. 39. e5 Nf7 40. Kc4 Ke7 41. Nf1 Nd8 42. Ne3 Ne6

43. a5 bxa5 44. b6 Bd8 45. Rd1 Nd4 46. Nd5+ Kf7 47. Bxd4. Well calculated as the ensuing Pawn ending is an easy win for White after 47. ... cxd4 48. Rxd4 Rc8+ 49. Nc7! Bxc7 50. Rd7+ Ke6 51. Rxc7 Rxc7+ 52. bxc7 Kd7 53. Kb5 Kxc7 [53. ... b6 54. Kxb6 a4 (54. ... Kc8 55. Kc6!+−) 55. Kb7+−] 54. Kxa5 Kc6 55. Kb4 Kb6 56. Kc4 Kc6 57. Kd4 b5 (57. ... Kd7 58. Kc5 Kc7 59. Kb5 Kd7 60. Kb6 Kc8 61. h4 Kb8 62. e6 Kc8 63. e7 Kd7 64. Kxb7 Kxe7 65. Kc7+−) 58. h3 1 : 0.

Barely one month after handily winning the 3rd Prague Masters Tournament, Shankland, the only American left in the Chess World Cup, still keeps winning game after game. Photo © Anastasia Korolkova.


  1. In his ChessBase report André Schulz says that if 40...g5 41.Nf3 -- see

  2. Schulz writes, "Das einzige Gegenspiel für Schwarz wäre der Vorstoß des a-Bauern, doch das reicht nicht aus. 45...a4 46.Rd6 a3 47.Nd5+ Kf7 48.Rd7+ Kf8 49.Rxb7 a2 50.Ra7." -- see

  3. Karsten Müller, too, in his notes for the ChessBase English website, recommends 40...g5! 41.Nf3 Bd8 42.Kb3 Be7 43.Nd2 Bd8 44.Nc4 Bc7 45.Ne3 Rd8 when, he says, "White is much better, but matters are not completely clear." -- see
