Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Hard Times

Italian journalist Sigfrido Ranucci, who hosts the investigative TV series Report on Rai 3, is continuing his inquiry into the Italian “Night of the Pencils”, when one night in March 2019 COVID-19 wiped out all forms of terrestrial life in the peninsula. Since then any semblance of democratic governance has been halted by a temporary “emergency state” which continues to this day, so as to confirm the saying that “Nothing is more permanent than the temporary”. Most of the media, for fear of losing the public funding that goes to the press, immediately echoed the official narrative, with as much obedience and rhetoric as the government needed to violently suppress all forms of intellectual dissent. It’s not merely a matter of who sits in the driver’s seat of a puppet governement, but a crucial showdown between mankind and its oppressors. Not surprisingly the fake prosperity of a war economy may involve both legal and illegal activities, which can make pharmaceutical corporations (and their local business agents) earn big profits by selling magic elixirs of life — side effects aside. To quote the Congressional Record of the U.S. Senate (February 11, 1929), “as long as somebody can sell what does not exist, he can control the market”.

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