Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Four Friends at Christmas

Doubt grows with knowledge.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Proverbs in Prose, 1819

Four prominent Italian intellectuals, namely (in alphabetical order), Giorgio Agamben, Massimo Cacciari, Carlo Freccero, and Ugo Mattei have founded a critical thinking movement, named “Commissione Du.Pre (Dubbio e Precauzione)” (“Doubt and Precaution Commission”), aimed at protecting freedom and human rights. As Cacciari explained in an interview to Francesco Borgonovo for La Verità of December 3, 2021, “A pensée unique is reigning in Italy, which does not even admit the exercise of doubt” as in the meantime the huge avalanche of government COVID-19 propaganda through complacent media has paved (and is paving) the way to unconstitutional measures such as the so-called “green pass”, social and economic discrimination against civil minorities, and the extension ad libitum of the “state of exception”. Hence the necessity of giving rise to “a serious counter-information group” in order to collect and gather “all critical evidences from all over the world” and report informations which are subject to media censure. The inaugural meeting of the Commission will be held on Wednesday, December 8, 2021 in Turin, Italy. For further information, click here.

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