Friday, January 7, 2022

Moon Lob

Right after Novak Đoković’s visa cancellation, Australian PM Scott Morrison boasted, with doubtful good taste, that when it comes to immigration policy “no one is above the rules”, apparently oblivious to the sacrifice the Serbian star had just made for the sake of a longrolling moon lob. In fact, as Tumaini Carayol writes in an article for The Guardian of January 6, 2022, “Ironically, one positive aspect of the incident is the increased attention on Morrison’s cruel border policies. Even if he is banished from the country, Đoković will ultimately be fine. He has the resources and profile to seek out representatives when most would have been on the first flight home”.
And so kudos to Đoković for celebrating the eve of Orthodox Christmas together with the people of a lesser god, as Carayol incidentally observes: “There are 36 refugees at Đoković’s Park hotel. Some have been stuck in the hotel for eight years and have been treated abhorrently by the state ever since. They deserve the attention and compassion that Đoković’s brief stay among them is generating”. Photo: Sports Illustrated/AP.

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