Friday, March 25, 2022

Created Equal

Russian Grandmaster and journalist Sergei Yuryevich Shipov, just pardoned by FIDE Ethics & Disciplinary Commission, spoke about Sergey Alexandrovich Karjakin’s project proposal to give birth to a new chess association to rival FIDE. “The new organisation should not copy FIDE. There have already been attempts to remove it from power in chess history. Thirty years ago Kasparov and Short tried to do it. At the time Kasparov had absolute hegemony over the chess world — he and Short, the English challenger for the crown, played the World Chess Championship match under their own banners, FIDE being not involved at all. Kasparov was then a very energetic, lively person, but this was not enough to succeed. For several years they organised tournaments, and then everything came to naught. We need not repeat their history. It should also be taken into account here that Sergey Alexandrovich Karjakin, our great player, still does not have the status and opportunities that Kasparov had. This historical reference must be taken into account and no mistakes should be made”, Shipov told RT.

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