Monday, March 21, 2022


Jan-Krzysztof Duda – 居文君 (Jū Wénjūn)
2nd Champions Chess Tour; 2nd stage; Charity Cup; Prelims Tournament; time control: 15 minutes plus 10 seconds per move;, March 21, 2022
2q3rk/6rp/pR2b3/P2pP2B/2pP1p1Q/2P5/7P/1R5K w - - 8 43

Position after 42. ... Rg6-f7

Three-time Women’s World Chess Champion 居文君 (Jū Wénjūn), the heroine of today’s Charity Cup, has defeated, not in a row but nearly so, two men: Jan-Krzysztof Duda and Eric Hansen. One might object that in both cases the result was beneficial to the cause, and hence, as Machiavelli says, “It is not titles that make men illustrious, but men who make titles illustrious”. The diagram gives the critical position of her game with Duda where White is to move: 43. Qf6?? A grave oversight, which loses instantly. The h1–a8 diagonal was calling for rescue: after 42. Bf3□ Bf5! White can still hold on, although of course Black’s moves come easier. 42. ... Bf5! Black threatens both ... Bf5-e4+ followed by mate and ... Bf5xb1. White cannot parry both. 44. Bf3 (44. Re1 Be4+ 45. Rxe4 dxe4 46. Rb1 f3 47. Rg1 Qf8!−+) 44. ... Bxb1 45. Rxb1 Rf8 46. Qh4 Qf5 47. Re1 Qd3 48. Qf2 Qxc3 49. e6 Qb4 50. Bxd5 c3 51. Be4

51. ... f3! 52. Bc2 (52. Bxf3 c2!−+) 52. ... Qd6 53. Re5 Rfg8 54. Re1 Qf4 55. Re4 Qd2 56. Qxf3 Rg1# 0 : 1.

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