Saturday, March 12, 2022

Lest We Forget

Fabio Magini, the distinguished problemist and writer, has found amongst the pages of a vintage Florentine puzzle magazine a chess problem composed by Giuseppe Benini, the father of the more famous Clarice Benini, which had gone unnoticed so far — not to say that this is apparently the only known composition by Benini father:

1N6/2p1r3/4kp1N/5p2/2P2P1P/B1nP3P/4p1BK/6R1 w - - 0 1

Giuseppe Benini, La Ricreazione, 1880
White to move and mate in four moves.

Solution: 1. Bc6! Rh7 2. d4 (2. Rg8 Rxh6 3. Rg7 and mate next) 2. ... Rxh6 3. Rg7 followed by mate. “It’s not a masterpiece, but for its time was not bad!”, writes Magini.

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