Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Other Worlds

Of course it ain’t strange that after a verdict is taken, the courtroom erupts in jubilation, especially in a political trial. Thus, in the aftermath of the 6-month ban slapped on Russian Grandmaster Sergey Alexandrovich Karjakin because of his political views — which, if not reversed by appeal, would deprive him of his right to participate in the 2022 Candidates Tournament — dark clouds hang over FIDE. Needless to say, Karjakin is furious, especially with FIDE President Arkady Vladimirovich Dvorkovich — he too a Russian. “There is an idea that Dvorkovich is trying to show he is an European dignitary”, he was quoted as saying to RIA Novosti, adding: “He wants to remain FIDE President. He decided to sacrifice me for his political ambitions”.
What is certain is that Dvorkovich’s campaign for reelection will be one of the most difficult in the history of FIDE as now he is as much opposed and loudly blamed by his fellow nationalists just as he is lauded and glorified by the many (Western) FIDE Vice Presidents and Commissioners. More or less it’s like being ”between Scylla and Charybdis”. To know this may be enough not to want to know more. So one question only. Who will challenge him?

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