Tuesday, April 12, 2022

A Spell is Cast

Russian Grandmaster Sergey Alexandrovich Karjakin — the banned man — also commented on the eventual switch of the Chess Federation of Russia from the European Chess Union to the Asian Chess Federation. “That’s a great idea! I feel positive about it, and I think it’s right. I welcome such a decision. The European Chess Union is treating us quite badly, so such a measure is justified. It is very important not to hold on to Europe, because our allies are not in Europe, but in other countries”, Karjakin told Metaratings. “I don’t think there are fewer prospects in Asia than in Europe. There are also a lot of chess countries in Asia. In Europe, we are allowed to play only on individual terms and under a neutral flag. With such an attitude, I think, it is better not to play than play under such conditions”.

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