Friday, April 29, 2022

Plays One

Fabiano Caruana – Levon Grigori Aronian
1st American Cup — Championship Match; game 2; Saint Louis, April 28, 2022
English Opening A29

1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 e5 3. Nf3 Nc6 4. g3 Nd4 5. Bg2 Nxf3+ 6. Bxf3 Bc5 7. d3 0-0 8. 0-0 a5 9. Bg2 c6 10. Bd2 d6 11. a3 Be6 12. Qc2 h6 13. Na4 Ba7 14. c5 dxc5 15. Nxc5 Bxc5 16. Qxc5 Bd5 17. f3!? So much for the Bishop pair. 17. ... a4 18. e4 Nd7 19. Qe3 Bb3

20. f4! Qb6? The decision to exchange Queens was a responsible one, since it leaves White with a lasting advantage in the resulting simplified position. 21. Qxb6 Nxb6 22. Rac1 Rfd8 23. Rf3 Nd7 24. Bh3 Be6 25. Bxe6 fxe6 26. Kf2 c5 27. Ke2 b6 28. Bc3 Rac8 29. Rff1 Rf8. Here and on the next move, Black could still maintain material equality by exchanging Pawns on f4, but Aronian, hoping to set a blockade, decides instead to give up the Pawn, only to be disillusioned by an impressive technique display from Caruana. 30. Ke3 Rc7 31. fxe5 Rxf1 32. Rxf1 Nb8

33. d4! cxd4 34. Bxd4 Rc2 35. Rd1 Nc6 36. Bc3 Rxh2 37. Rd6 Na5 38. Kf3! Of course taking the e6-Pawn would have cost White his Rook after 38. ... Kf7. 38. ... Kf7 39. Rxb6 Nc4 40. Rb7+ Ke8 41. Rxg7 Nxb2 42. Bb4 Kd8 43. Re7 Nc4 44. Rxe6 h5

45. Bd6! h4 46. Rg6 Rh3 47. Rg8+ Kd7 48. Rg7+ Ke8 49. Rc7 Rxg3+ 50. Kf4 Nxd6 51. exd6 Rxa3 52. Kf5 Rg3 53. e5 1 : 0.

Back in Saint Louis to win the inaugual American Cup. Photo: Bryan Adams/Saint Louis Chess Club.

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