Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Kaspersky Gambit

Not a day has passed since, the most popular and cosmopolitan chess platform in the world, was blacklisted and banned (in Russia) by Roskomnadzor, the Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media, that it is already time to resume the debate about who invented the radio first: Marconi or Popov. Thus 12th World Chess Champion Anatoly Yevgenyevich Karpov who, speaking with Sport-Express, heralded the arrival of a surrogate: “We’ll develop a chess portal of our own. Regardless of the fact that got blacklisted, two weeks ago we sealed an agreement with Kaspersky Lab for their company to become our provider, including for organising competitions and defining an information system”, he said. “Details will be disclosed at a press conference as soon as possible. I think by September the company will have already created a Russian chess platform, and we will not depend on anyone”.

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