Thursday, May 5, 2022

Rumours of my escape are greatly exaggerated

Contrary to rumours, FIDE President Arkady Vladimirovich Dvorkovich did not abandon ship, as clarified in a brief note by Moskovskij Komsomolets (MK) dated May 4, 2022:

MK apologises

MK, May 4, 2022

In the May 4 issue of our newspaper, in the article “Very Important Fugitives” as well as on the MK web site, it was erroneously stated that former Deputy Prime Ministers Ilya Iosifovich Klebanov and Arkady Vladimirovich Dvorkovich allegedly left the country. This is not true.
We offer our deepest apologies to Ilya Iosifovich and Arkady Vladimirovich.
The guilty were punished.

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