Wednesday, August 3, 2022

And Then There Were Two

Belgian Chechen-born filmmaker and screenwriter Inalbek Sultanbekovich Sheripov announced yesterday his withdrawal from FIDE Presidential race, supposedly for health reasons. It’s a fact, however, and, indeed, that his electoral campaign had not even really begun. And so, with all respect to the tandem Bachar Kouatly & Ian G. Wilkinson, the election came down to a two-horse race, which will conclude one of the worst electoral campaigns in the history of FIDE, incessantly poisoned by the most trite rhetoric of war. First as tragedy (the Russo-Ukrainian war), then as theatrical play, with the incumbent Arkady Vladimirovich Dvorkovich, a Russian mandarin, challenged by an Ukrainian manager 2.0, Andrey Vadimovich Baryshpolets, each of them being accompanied by an eminent Deputy — Viswanathan Anand and Peter Heine Nielsen, respectively. To say nothing of all the “spin doctors” who hide themselves in the background, in the “shadow”, ready and eager to ignite their dormant flames of hate and frustration. It is a pitiful sight truly, but also a crucial one in terms of human social life. India is hosting, for the first time in the history of FIDE (and with marvelous enthusiasm!), the 44th Chess Olympiad — from which Russia has been excluded and which China boycotted. And concurrently with the Olympics, India will also host the pivotal congress which is going to elect president(s), vice presidents and secretary-treasurer for the coming term. Whatever it be, God will save the Queen. Or maybe vice versa.

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