Sunday, November 6, 2022

All the King’s Cooks

12th World Chess Champion Anatoly Yevgenyevich Karpov seems to be recovering well from his injuries, according to what his wife, Natalia Vladimirovna Bulanova, said in a talk with a Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent. “Anatoly Yevgenyevich is fine, recovery is proceeding according to the treatment protocol. Today [Saturday] I spent three hours — from 12 o’clock in the morning to 3 o’clock in the afternoon — next to him. I brought him an iPad, now he holds it in his hands. He speaks well, just a little wheeze. He complains about tasteless hospital food. Tomorrow I will bring him chicken broth”, she said to her interlocutor, confirming the hope that on Monday, November 7, he will be moved to an ordinary ward.

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