Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Gulliver of Mars

Leonid Gennadyevich Parfyonov, t.me/parfenon, December 16, 2022

At the General Assembly of FIDE (International Chess Federation) at Paris in 1995, Filipino Florencio Campomanes resigns as President. He has held the office since 1982.
Kirsan Nikolayevich Ilyumzhinov, President of Republic of Kalmykia, was suggested by Campomanes as his successor. It turns out that the Russian delegation is against it.
Also, a statement from Garry Kimovich Kasparov is circulating opposing it. Anatoly Yevgenyevich Karpov urges Campomanes to stay. Campomanes thanks for the trust, but insists on it. He agrees to be “honorary President of FIDE” if Ilyumzhinov becomes the effective President of FIDE.
The situation is resolved, unexpectedly, when an official of the Russian Embassy reads out an appeal signed by Deputy Prime Minister Chubais and Sports Minister Tarpishchev.
The State apparatus asks to back up Ilyumzhinov’s candidacy. Postscript from the first presidential aide Ilyushin: “Agreed with Yeltsin”. Ilyumzhinov is voted almost unanimously.
A very young man, a millionaire, who does not spare his wealth for the wellbeing of chess, becomes FIDE President.

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