Monday, December 26, 2022

Through the Desert

The Last Bus

Midnight. The last bus.
The conductor cuts me a ticket.
Neither bad news nor a big dinner
                 is waiting for me at home.
For me, absence waits.
I approach it without sadness
                 or fear.
The great dark is closing in.
Now I can look at the world
                 quietly and at peace.
I’m no longer surprised by a friend’s treachery,
                 a knife concealed in a handshake.
It's useless — the enemy can’t provoke me now.
I passed through the forest of idols
                 with my axe —
                 how easily they all came down.
I put my beliefs to the test once more,
        I’m thankful that most of them turned out pure.
I have never been radiant this way,
                 never free like this.

Nâzım Hikmet
English translation by Randy Blasing and Mutlu Konuk

René Magritte, La Reconnaissance Infinie, 1961.

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