Tuesday, February 28, 2023

俄罗斯国际象棋联合会 (Chess Federation of Russia)

Today, Tuesday, February 28, 2023, in the presence of FIDE President Arkady Vladimirovich Dvorkovich and Chess Federation of Russia President Andrey Vasilievich Filatov (both pictured above), the Continental Assembly of the Asian Chess Federation held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, has voted by large majority in favour of the Chess Federation of Russia’s joining the Asian Chess Federation, thus marking an epochal shift in the history of the royal game. The passage will take effect on May 1, 2023. In thanking the delegates for their trust, Filatov said: “I hope for further fruitful cooperation and participation of Russian teams in the continental championship and for holding of Asian competitions in Russia, which has many times successfully held tournaments at the highest level and has all the associated infrastructure”. Photo: Eteri Kublashvili/Chess Federation of Russia.

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