Saturday, March 11, 2023

Cut Off

Aleksandra Yuryevna Goryachkina – Ram Soffer
23rd European Individual Chess Championship; Vrnjačka Banja, March 11, 2023
5nk1/2Q2pp1/1p1N3p/3qP2P/6P1/p5B1/5K2/8 w - - 1 46

Position after 45. ... Ng6-f8

The diagram shows the position after Black’s 45th move, that may be summed up as a Sämisch-like Variation of the Nimzo-Indian gone terribly wrong for White. Yet Goryachkina can consider herself lucky that her opponent played 45. ... Ng6-f8 instead of 45. ... a3-a2, which would have won at once. As things went, White can still hope to hold on to a last chance:
46. e6! Qxe6. The only (ambitious) move, since both 46. ... fxe6 47. Qf7+ Kh7 48. Qxf8 a2 49. Nf7 Qd2+ and 46. ... Nxe6 47. Qf7+ Kh7 48. Qe8+ Kh7 49. Qg6+ would end in perpetual check.
47. Qc4?? Losing a crucial tempo and the game. The right move was 47. Qc3! Qxg4 (47. ... a2 48. Nf5 f6 49. Bd6! should draw: 49. ... b5 50. Bxf8 Kxf8 51. Qa3+ Kg8 52. Qa8+ Kh7 53. Qa7 Qg8 54. Nxg7! Qxg7 55. Qxa2 Qxg4 56. Qf7+ Qg7 57. Qe8) 48. Qxa3 Qxh5 leaving Black with four Pawns for the piece minus, but no certainty of success in sight.
47. ... f6! 48. Qa4 a2 49. Nb5 Qd5 50. Nd4

50. ... b5! 51. Nxb5. Alas for White, also after the comparatively better 51. Qb3 Qf7! Black should win, but not as easily as now.
51. ... Qd2+ 52. Kf3 Qb2 53. Be5 fxe5 54. Qc4+ Kh7 55. Qe4+ Kh8 56. Qa8 Qb3+ 57. Ke4 Qb1+ 0 : 1.

A disaster that — if not promptly redeemed — could cost Goryachkina her second spot in the world ranking behind 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán). Photo: European Chess Union.

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