Saturday, March 18, 2023

Exception to the Rule

Alice Teresa Lee – Atousa Pourkashiyan
2nd American Cup — Women’s Champions Bracket; match game 1; Saint Louis, March 17, 2023
8/p7/1r3pk1/7p/4PP2/P1R1K3/7P/8 b - - 0 36

Position after 36. g3xf4

36. ... h4? It is just the case to say that (not) all Rook endgames are drawn. In fact, The text is a serious mistake, which allows the White King to go to g4. There was more than one move to maintain the status quo, for example: 36. ... a5 36. Kd4 Rd6+ 37. Kc5 Rd2 38. h3 a4 with a likely draw.
37. h3? White has an hesitation that could cost her dear. She ought to play 37. Kf3 at once, and if 37. ... f5 then 38. exf5+ Kh5 39. f6! Rxf6 40. Rc5+ Kh6 41. Ra5! Rf7 42. Kg4 h3 43. Ra4 winning.
37. ... a5? It’s too late now. Black had to play 37. ... Rb1! in order to reply to 38. Kf3 with 38. ... Rg1 getting everything under control, at least for now. Instead, now White wins by force:
38. Kf3 f5. If 38. ... a4 then 39. Kg4 Rb3 40. Rc6 Rxa3 41. e5 Kg7 42. Rxf6 Rg3+ 43. Kf5!+− (43. Kxh4?? Rg6!=).
39. exf5+ Kh5

40. f6! Kg6 (40. ... Rxf6 41. Rc5+ Kh6 42. Kg4+−)
41. Kg4 Kxf6 42. Rc5 a4 43. Ra5 Rb3 44. Ra6+ Kg7 45. Rxa4 Rg3+ 46. Kxh4 Rg1 47. Ra6 Rf1 48. Kg5 Rg1+ 49. Kf5 Rh1 50. Ra7+ Kh6 51. a4 Rxh3 52. a5 Rc3 53. a6 Rc5+ 54. Kg4 Ra5 55. Ra8 Kg7 56. a7 Kh7 57. f5 Ra6 58. f6 Rxf6 59. Rb8 Rg6+ 60. Kf5 1 : 0.

At last, Lee somehow managed to pull a win out of a drawish Rook ending. Photo © Lennart Ootes/Saint Louis Chess Club.

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