Friday, May 5, 2023

Random Castle

A few years ago, in a talk with the Hungarian tabloid Vasárnapi Bors, László Polgár, the father of Zsuzsa (Susan), Zsófia (Sofia) and Judit, reminisced the time when Bobby Fischer spent a month as a guest of Polgár’s family at their holiday home in Nagymaros, Hungary, in the spring of 1993. At the time, there were negotiations for an exhibition match of Fischer with Judit Polgár, but Bobby “asked for a fund of five million dollars, 1.5 billion forints in today’s value, so nothing came of it”, Polgár recalled. But apparently Fischer bonded more with Susan, who tirelessly helped him in defining and refining the rules of his Fischerandom chess. “I noticed that the eldest of my daughters, Zsuzsa, piqued his interest”, Polgár remembers. “Don’t get me wrong, there was nothing between them, but I felt he would have liked to marry her”.

Fischer and Zsuzsa (Susan) Polgár playing shuffle chess. Photo: Zsuzsa (Susan) Polgár.

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