Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Vincent’s Colours

Vincent Keymer – Arjun Erigaisi
56th Biel International Chess Festival; ACCENTUS Chess960 Tournament; time control: 15 minutes plus 5 seconds per move; Biel/Bienne, July 15, 2023
qbrkbnrn/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/QBRKBNRN w GCgc - 0 1

Position #776

1. d4 d5 2. Ne3 c6 3. Ng3 e5 4. 0-0-0 Nhg6 5. c4 exd4 6. Rxd4 Ne6 7. Rd1 Bd7 8. Bc3 0-0 9. cxd5 cxd5 10. Nxd5 Rfe8 11. Bc2 Bc6 12. Kb1 b5 13. e4

13. ... Bxd5? A ruinous error. Now, simply 13. ... Nc5! eventually followed by ... Nc5-a4 would have given Black a good game.
14. exd5 Nef4 15. d6. Threatening a trivial Pawn fork.
15. ... Rcd8 16. Nf5 f6? Probably Black has no good moves anyway, but the text falls into a mating attack.
17. a3! Threatening the check at a2.
17. ... Kh8 18. Qa2 (Δ Qa2-f7)
18. ... Ne2 (18. ... Rd7 19. Rge1+−)

19. Bxf6! Rd7. The Bishop is taboo, as if 19. ... gxf6 then 20. Qf7 and mate in three at most.
20. Nxg7! 1 : 0. For after 20. ... Rxg7 21. d7 it’s all over.

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