Sunday, October 8, 2023

Lucky Strike

于润荷 (Jennifer Yú) – Thalia Cervantes Landeiro
62nd U.S. Women’s Chess Championship; Saint Louis, October 7, 2023
3r4/8/5K2/6p1/2kn4/4R2P/8/8 b - - 39 88

Position after 88. Kf5-f6

The sorrows of reigning U.S. Women’s Champ 于润荷 (Jennifer Yú) continue. In fact, she edged the abyss even in her game against Cervantes Landeiro, who repeatedly missed a technical endgame win, eventually allowing her opponent to save herself after 133 moves and over 6 hours.
The diagram represents the position previous to Black’s 88th move, when Cervantes Landeiro let slip her last chance of victory: 88. ... Rd5? The right move was 88. ... Nf3! with the obvious point of 89. Rxf3 Rf8+ or 89. Ke7 Rd3! winning in all cases.
89. Rg3! Once the g-Pawn falls, White’ll be through the day, whatever time it takes.
89. ... Rf5+ 90. Kg6 Rf3 91. Rxg5 Rxh3. With a theoretical draw. It just takes a while for Cervantes Landeiro to accept it.
92. Kf6 Kd3 93. Rg4 Rf3+ 94. Ke5 Rf5+ 95. Kd6 Kc4 96. Rg1 Rf6+ 97. Ke7 Ra6 98. Rg5 Nf3 99. Rf5 Nd4 100. Rf6 Ra7+ 101. Kd6 Ra5 102. Ke7 Kd5 103. Rf1 Ra6 104. Rd1 Ke5 105. Re1+ Kf5 106. Rf1+ Ke5 107. Re1+ Kd5 108. Rd1 Rb6 109. Re1 Nf5+ 110. Kf7 Nh6+ 111. Kg7 Ng4 112. Rd1+ Ke4 113. Kf7 Nh6+ 114. Ke7 Nf5+ 115. Kd7 Ke5 116. Re1+ Kd5 117. Rd1+ Nd4 118. Ke7 Ra6 119. Re1 Nf3 120. Re2 Ng5 121. Rd2+ Ke5 122. Rd1 Ra7+ 123. Rd7 Ra6 124. Rb7 Ra5 125. Rd7 Ne4 126. Rd1 Ra7+ 127. Rd7 Ra6 128. Rd1 Rh6 129. Kd7 Rh7+ 130. Kc6 Rh6+ 131. Kd7 Rh7+ 132. Kc6 Rh6+ 133. Kd7 ½ : ½.

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