Monday, October 9, 2023

Point of Return

Atousa Pourkashiyan – 于润荷 (Jennifer Yú)
62nd U.S. Women’s Chess Championship; Saint Louis, October 8, 2023
Spanish Game C78

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 b5 6. Bb3 Bb7 7. d3 Be7 8. c4 0-0 9. Nc3 bxc4 10. Bxc4 d6 11. a3 Nd4 12. Nxd4 exd4 13. Nd5 Nxd5 14. exd5 a5 15. Qa4 Bf6 16. Re1 Ra7 17. Qd1 a4 18. b4 axb3 19. Qxb3 Qa8 20. Bd2 Ba6 23. a4 Rb8 24. Qc2 Rab7 25. Bxa6 Qxa6 26. a5 h6 27. Reb1 Bd8 28. Rxb7 Rxb7 29. Qc4

29. ... Qa8? Bad judgment, underestimating the strength of the passed Pawn. The Rook and Bishop ending ensuing from 29. ... Qxc4 30. dxc4 f5 offers much better chances for a draw.
30. h3 Rb2 31. Qc1 Rb3 32. a6!

32. ... Qxd5. Not 32. ... Rxd3? because of 33. Qc2 and the Rook is in trouble. If, instead, 32. ... Rb6 then 33. Qa3 Qa7 34. g3! followed by h2-h4, Bd2-f4 and Qa3-a4 or Qa4-a5 similarly to the game.
33. a7 Qa8 34. Qc4 Rb2 35. Bf4 Bc7

36. Qa4 Kh7 37. Qd7 Rb7 38. Bxd6 Ba5? Loses outright, but also after 38. ... Bxd6 39. Qxb7! the endgame an Exchange up is winning for White.
39. Qxb7 Qxb7 40. Rxa5 Qa8 41. Bxc5 Kg6 42. Bxd4 f6 43. Be3 Kf7 44. Rb5 1 : 0.

Another painful defeat for two-time U.S. Women’s Champion 于润荷 (Jennifer Yú), who can only hope to have hit rock bottom and bounce back. Photo: Crystal Fuller/Saint Louis Chess Club.

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