Tuesday, January 30, 2024

A Wind from the Sea

On the second day of the 2nd “机器人谷杯” (“Robot Valley Cup”) China City Chess League “青岛城阳总决赛” (“Qīngdǎo Chéngyáng Finals”), on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, in 青岛 (Qīngdǎo), 山东省 (Shāndōng province), China, there are already winners and losers: 杭州银行队 (Hángzhōu Bank) leads the ranking, followed, in the order by 青岛城阳队 (Qīngdǎo Chéngyáng), 中化学生态环境西安队 (CNCEC Ecological Environment Xī’ān), 网易海口队 (NetEase Hǎikǒu), 济南银丰队 (Jǐnán Yínfēng), and 苏州棋协队 (Sūzhōu Chess Association). 济南银丰队 (Jǐnán Yínfēng) was not able to defend its title (2021), despite the exceptional presence of four-time Women’s World Chess Champion 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) (pictured above and below), who set a record with five consecutive draws! For further details and information, click here. Photos: 璐璐 (Lùlù).

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