Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Once on a Tuesday

After a five-year hiatus the GRENKE Chess Classic is back, with a new hexagonal round-robin format and a new time control — the so called “fast-classical” time control. Apparently, in the Land of the new “Freestyle chess”, as they call Fischer’s chess, old classics are still popular, too. Moreover, the simultaneous presence of five-time World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen and pro tempore World Champion 丁立人 (Dīng Lìrén) gives Das GRENKE Fest its unique elite class.

Richárd Rapport – Magnus Carlsen
7th GRENKE Chess Classic; time control: 45 minutes plus 10 seconds per move; Karlsruhe, March 26, 2024
8/6p1/5p1k/2B1p3/2n3PP/2PR4/2r2P2/5K2 b - - 4 40

Position after 40. Rd5-d3

Today, however, the centre of the stage was taken by 丁立人 (Dīng Lìrén)’s second, Richárd Rapport, who mercilessly took advantage of a rare blunder by Carlsen to grind a win out of a probably drawn endgame:
40. ... Nd2+?? The nemesis of too many “Titled Tuesdays” before a green screen. It seems that after 40. ... e4 Black should somehow save the day.
41. Rxd2! 1–0. 41. ... Rxd2 42. Be3+ is a brutal end.

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