Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Behind a Locked Door

Rameshbabu Vaishali – Anna Olehivna Muzychuk
Women’s Candidates Tournament 2024; Toronto, April 9, 2024
FEN: 8/2pnk1r1/rp1p1p1p/p2Pp3/P1P1Pp2/1P1N1P1P/4R1P1/2R2K2 w - - 2 34

Position after 33. ... Kf8-e7

Vaishali first dissipated her opening edge and then fell into an inferior endgame. Given her lack of time, therefore, her next move may well be a flash of genius:
34. g4! White gives up a Pawn in the hope of setting up a fortress.
34. ... fxg3 35. f4 h5 36. f5 h4 37. Kg2 Rg8 38. Rc3 Raa8 39. Ne1 Nc5 40. Nd3 Rac8 41. Nxc5 dxc5 42. Rd3 Rcd8 43. Red2 Rd6 44. Rd1 Rgd8 45. Kf3 c6 46. R1d2

46. ... cxd5? Maybe the punctuation is out of order, but 46. ... b5! was, at least, worth trying to find out if Vaishali’s blockhouse was inexpugnable.
47. exd5 Rg8 48. Rg2 Rg5 ½–½.

Vaishali showed her resilience and ability to deal with her adversities. Photo: Michał Walusza/FIDE.

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