Sunday, May 5, 2024

Teach to Learn

In her interview to 北京体育广播 (Běijīng Sports Broadcasting), four-time Women’s World Chess Champion 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) said something about her future career plans.

“Indeed, my style has always been to set some short-term goals rather than five-year or ten-year plans. Of course, such plan terms may make sense in my professional fields, where one has to monitor the development process. As for me personally, I prefer one small stage at a time — associated with goals — in order to encourage myself to keep moving forward. If a plan turned out to be too far-fetched, it would be varied accordingly. Shall I take more time, or shall I go on resolutely? Since my personality is prone to hesitation and entanglement, there will likely be a good deal of uncertainty”, 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) said. “However, now I am a young teacher at Peking University, and my primary responsibility is with my students. As a preceptor I hope that I’m not just a former professional chess player who shares some of her technical secrets, but more importantly, I hope to help students, through learning, to grow both academically and personally. I hope that through such talent training programs, I can help students understand what they want and what they should be doing. With regard to talent training and development, what really counts is not how many skills have been learned, but how learning experience has helped students grow as human beings”. Photo: LaiTimes.

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