Monday, June 3, 2024

The Apple in the Garden

A pictorial report of a training course on chess hosted by the Physical Education and Research Department of Peking University on May 4–5, with the extraordinary participation of four-time Women’s World Chess Champion and PKU Professor 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán), who instructed the over 100 students with lectures and master classes, and enlightened them with her presence from the opening ceremony to the graduation ceremony. Photos: 刘月玲 (Liú Yuèlíng), 林飞宇 (Línfēi Yǔ), 刘文明 (Liú Wénmíng), 谢丰羽 (Xiè Fēngyǔ), 月圆 (Yuè Yuán)/Peking University.

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