Sunday, February 1, 2015

Back to the Future

In late December 2012, it was reported that Viktor Lvovich Kortschnoi was recovering from a stroke and was unlikely to play competitive chess again. On March 28th and 29th 2014, however, Kortschnoi played an exhibition match of two games in the University of Leipzig, against Wolfgang Ulhmann, with the time control of 60 minutes/game for each. Kortschnoi won 2-0.
Pretty soon we’ll see Viktor Lvovich over the board again, also against Ulhmann. The match will be held on February 15th and 16th as surplus of the 4th edition of the “Zürich Chess Challenge 2015” and consist of 4 rapid games. In March 2015, Kortschnoi and Ulhmann will celebrate their 84th and 80th birthdays respectively.

University of Leipzig, March 29, 2014. Wolfgang Ulhmann vs. Viktor Lvovich Kortschnoi.

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