Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Queen that roared

Antoaneta Stefanova – Alexandra Konstantinovna Kosteniuk
16th European Individual Women’s Rapid Chess Championship; Kutaisi, June 3, 2015
8/3R4/2P2p1b/5p1P/3PpP2/3kB3/r7/5K2 w - - 3 55

White is in trouble. Although her extra Pawn and three passers, Antoaneta can hardly stand the overwhelming threats of Black’s trio King-Rook-Bishop. 55. Bf2. Apparently, 55. c7 Rc2 isn’t any better. 55. ... Bxf4? A little too hasty, when there was a simple win by the immediate 55. ... e3! 56. Be1 Ke4-+. 56. d5? Stefanova does not get the chance. Comparatively best was 56. c7 Rc2 57. h6 Bxh6 58. d5 e3 59. Be1 Ke4 when White has still a difficult afternoon, but some drawing chances. 56. ... e3! 57. Bxe3. Equally after 57. Be1 Ke4!! 58. c7 Rc2 59. d6 Kf3 White is helpless. 57. ... Kxe3 58. c7 Kf3 59. Re7 Bxc7 60. h6 Bg3 0 : 1.

Alexandra Konstantinovna Kosteniuk wins the Women’s European Rapid Championship

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