Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Recursive partitioning

Mariya Muzychuk – Jennifer Shahade
1st World Mind Sports Games Rapid Individual; 北京 (Běijīng), October 5, 2008
Sicilian Defence B27

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 g6 3. c3 Bg7 4. h4!? Mariya has a very aggressive playing style. 4. d4 is almost invariably played here. 4. ... d5. Black strikes immediately at the centre. 5. exd5 Qxd5 6. Na3 Nf6 7. d4 0-0 8. Nb5 Na6 9. Be3 Ng4 10. Qd2 Nxe3 11. fxe3 cxd4 12. cxd4 Bg4 13. Nc3 Qa5 14. Be2 Rad8. Intending ... e7-e5. 15. Rd1 e5 16. d5 Rfe8 17. e4. Preventing Black’s ... e5-e4 and supporting the d5-Pawn. 17. ... f5 18. Ng5 Bxe2? Completely oblivious to the impending danger! Black ought to play 18. ... h6(!) and it is not clear how White can continue the attack. 19. Qxe2 Nc5. Also after 19. ... fxe4 20. d6 Qb4 21. Nxe4 White stands much better. 20. exf5 gxf5. White to move and win.

21. Qh5 h6 22. Qf7+ Kh8 23. Qxf5 hxg5 24. hxg5+ Kg8 25. Qh7+ Kf8 26. Rf1+. Or – as a “dual” – 26. 0-0+(!) Ke7 27. Qxg7+ Kd6 28. Rf6+ Ne6 29. Ne4 mate. 1 : 0. For if 26. ... Ke7 there follows 27. Qxg7+ Kd6 28. Rf6+ Ne6 29. Qxb7 Kc5 20. b4+! Qxb4 21. Qc6 mate.

Jennifer Shahade in 北京 (Běijīng), October 2, 2008
Photo: Jennifer’s Blog

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