Cristóbal Henríquez Villagra – 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán)
Match game 1; Punta Arenas, February 5, 2016
Giuoco Piano C54
Match game 1; Punta Arenas, February 5, 2016
Giuoco Piano C54
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. c3 Nf6 5. d3 a6 6. Bb3 d6 7. h3 h6 8. Nbd2 Be6 9. Bxe6? I was always told to not change — in such a position — the light-squared Bishops for not strengthening Black’s centre, and I always believed it. 9. ... fxe6 10. Qe2 0-0 11. Nb3 Ba7 12. 0-0 Nh5! Threatening ... Nh5-g3. 13. d4 Qf6 14. Be3 Nf4 15. Bxf4 Qxf4 16. Rad1 Qf6 17. Rd3 Rf7 18. a3 Raf8 19. Kh1 g5! 20. d5 exd5 21. exd5 Ne7 22. Nbd2 Qg6 23. Ne4 Rf4 24. Re1 c6 25. c4 cxd5 26. cxd5 Nf5. Black played very energetically and she has now achieved her goal of powerful Kingside initiative. Black’s obvious threat is ... g5-g4. 27. Kh2. Not 27. g4? Ne3! and White gets in bad trouble. 27. ... g4 28. hxg4 Rxg4 29. g3
29. ... Bxf2? After 29. ... Rxe4 30. Qxe4 Bxf2 Black regains the Exchange, emerging with an extra Pawn. I don’t know if it is sufficient to win, but, as a matter of fact, the text leads to a much more unclear – seemingly drawish – endgame. 30. Qxf2 Nxg3 31. Qxg3 Rxg3 32. Nh4 Rxd3 33. Nxg6 Rff3. The position is evenly unbalanced. 34. Ne7+ Kf8 35. Nc8 Rde3. 35. ... Rxd5 36. Ncxd6 Ke7 is another way towards a draw. 36. Rxe3 Rxe3 37. Ncxd6 b6 38. Nc3 b5 39. Kg2 h5 40. Nde4 Rd3 41. Kh2 Kf7 42. Kg2 Kg6 43. d6 Kf5 44. Kh2 Rd4 45. Kh3 Ke6 46. Nc5+ Kxd6 47. Nxa6 Kc6 48. Nb4+ Kc5 49. Na6+ Kb6 50. Nb4 Rd2 51. Nbd5+ Kc6 52. Nb4+ Kb6 53. Nbd5+ Kb7 54. Nb4 Rxb2 55. Nxb5 Kb6 56. Nd6 Rb3+ 57. Kh4 Kc5 58. Ne4+ Kd4 59. Nf6 Kc4 60. Nc6 Rxa3 ½ : ½. Well, if 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) survived the colder Magellan (Punta Arenas), she will hopefully be able to get accustomed to Stavanger.
Cristóbal Henríquez Villagra vs. 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán). Photo:
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