Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Thought

Matthias Blübaum – Evgeniy Yuryevich Najer
15th Aeroflot Open; Moscow, February 24, 2017
Réti Opening A07

1. Nf3 d5 2. g3 Bg4 3. Bg2 c6 4. 0-0 Nf6 5. h3 Bxf3 6. Bxf3 e5 7. d3 a5 8. a4. In Erdos – Navara, Schachbundesliga 2013/2014, Eppingen 2014 was seen 8. Nd2 Bc5 9. e4 0-0 10. Nb3 Bb6 11. a4 Nbd7 12. c3 h6 13. Qc2 Re8 14. Kh2 Nc5 15. Nxc5 Bxc5 16. Bd2 Qb6 17. Kg2 Rad8 18. Rad1 Rd7 19. Bc1 Red8 20. Rfe1 dxe4 21. dxe4 ½ : ½. 8. ... Bc5 9. Nd2 0-0 10. e4 Re8 11. c3 Nbd7 12. Bg2 Ba7 13. exd5 cxd5 14. Nb1. It seems a bit convoluted. “The idea, after 16. Nb1-a3, was probably Na3-b5”, but then it won’t happen”, writes Thomas Richter in his commentary for 14. ... e4 15. d4 h6 16. Na3 Bb8 17. Be3 Ra6 18. b4. White continues his Queenside mobilisation without paying any attention to the whole board. 18. ... axb4 19. cxb4 Nf8 20. Qb3. 20. Nb5 is also answered by 20. ... h5! taking the upper hand. 20. ... h5! A brilliant way to claim the initiative! 21. Bg5 N8h7 22. Bd2. “Even more loss of time”, says Richter. 22. ... h4. Black’s attack looks powerful enough to seize its target. 23. g4 Qd6 24. Rfc1 Qh2+ 25. Kf1

25. ... Bg3!! Of course, something like ... Nh7-f8-e6 was very good and nearly winning, but Najer concludes in a much more spectacular way. 26. g5. If 26. fxg3 then 26. ... Nxg4! 27. hxg4 Rf6+ finis. 26. ... Bxf2! 27. Kxf2 e3+ 28. Bxe3 Nxg5 29. Kf1. Or 29. Bxg5 Ne4+ and wins. 29. ... Nh5 30. Ra2 Ng3+ 31. Ke1 Qg1+ 0 : 1.

Matthias Blübaum vs. Evgeniy Yuryevich Najer

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