Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Queen’s Calling
Buckingham Palace announces that 95-year-old Duke of Edinburgh will stop carrying out public engagements later this year

The Duke of Edinburgh has announced his retirement from public engagements from autumn this year, Buckingham Palace has announced.
The 95-year-old Prince Philip has the full support of the Queen.
The announcement was made after all members of the Queen’s household were gathered at Buckingham Palace for a highly unusual staff meeting.
In a statement, Buckingham Palace said: “His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh has decided that he will no longer carry out public engagements from the autumn of this year. In taking this decision, The Duke has the full support of the Queen”. [Read more].
In the final year (1945) of the war against nazi-fascism, Princess Elizabeth (now Queen Elizabeth II) donned a uniform herself, joining the Auxiliary Territorial Service – the ATS. She spent three weeks with a carefully chosen group of other recruits, learning basic motor mechanics and how to drive a lorry. Photo: BBC News.

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