Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Magic’s Pawn

Laudantem Selium cenae cum retia tendit
accipe, sive legas, sive patronus agas:
“Effecte! Graviter! Cito! Nequiter! Euge! Beate!”.
“Hoc volui! Facta est iam tibi cena, tace”.

When Selius is spreading his nets for a dinner,
take him with you to applaud, whether you are reciting or acting as counsel.
“How consummate! Weighty that! How ready! A hard it! Bravo! Splendid!”.
That is what I wanted. You’ve got your dinner now, so hold your tongue.

Quando Selio ti tende le reti a scroccarti una cena,
senti come ti loda, se tu difendi o declami:
“Pronto! Profondo! Mirabile! Eh, furbo! Imbattibile! Evviva!”.
“Questo volevo. La cena è guadagnata. Ora taci”.

Martial, Epigrams, Book 2, XXVII
English translation by Holden Caulfield
Italian translation by Giuseppe Lipparini

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