Friday, August 18, 2017

Breaking the Silence

Fabiano Caruana – Garry Kimovich Kasparov
Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz Grand Chess Tour 2017; Saint Louis, August 18, 2017
5k2/8/R4P2/1pN2p2/pPn4p/5KbP/2P5/4r3 b - - 5 63

Position after 63. Ra7-a6

And finally, in the last day of the blitz challenge in Saint Louis, Godzilla thundered his war cry: 63. ... Nd2+ 64. Kg2 Re2+ 65. Kh1 Rh2+ 0 : 1. For if 66. Kg1 there follows 66. ... Nf3+ 67. Kf1 Rf2 mate.

Garry Kimovich Kasparov
Photo © Lennart Ootes

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