Friday, August 18, 2017

Trade for Good

Garry Kimovich Kasparov – Hikaru Nakamura
Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz Grand Chess Tour 2017; Saint Louis, August 18, 2017
8/3b3k/p5p1/5p1P/1P3P2/P1B1K3/5P2/8 w - - 0 33

Position after 32. ... g7-g6

Kasparov played very energetically securing the gain of two Pawns, but Nakamura still lays hopes on the opposite colour Bishops endgame. 33. h6! It might be the best practical possibility! 33. ... Kxh6 34. Kd4 Kh5? Nakamura becomes too overconfident and uncautiously moves his King away from the danger zone; after 34. ... Kg7! 35. Kc5+ Kf7 I doubt White can do anything as 36. Kb6 Bb5 37. a4 Bxa4 38. Kxa6 Bd1 seems to lead only to a draw. 35. Kc5 Kg4 36. Bd2 Kf3 37. Kb6! Bb5 38. a4! Bf1. 38. ... Bxa4 39. Kxa6 Kxf2 40. b5 doesn’t make any difference. 39. b5 axb5 40. axb5 Kxf2 41. Kc6 Ke2 42. Bc1 Kd1 43. Ba3 Kd2 44. Be7 1 : 0.

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