Thursday, March 1, 2018

Said Not Said

Anchor: What about chess, Bobby, does it still play a large role in your life?
Fischer: No, I play Fischerandom. I have no interest whatsoever in chess. My only interest in chess is to expose the pre-arrangement, but not to play it.
Anchor: I have in front of me a recent interview with Garry Kasparov...
Fischer: [exasperated sigh]
Anchor: ... and there he takes a very positive view on Fischerandom. He says that could very well be the future of chess.
Fischer: Really?? That is a surprise because in the past he has never had anything positive to say about it. Where was this interview published?
Anchor: It was on the Internet edition of a chess magazine. I have direct quotes from the interview and Kasparov is very positive.
Fischer: That’s amazing. Did he say anything about me in prison? I guess he doesn't care about that, right?
Anchor: He expresses sorrow about it and says it is a tragedy. When asked about Fischerandom he suggests that one should downsize the number of the opening positions to twenty or thirty...
Fischer: Oooooh! There’s the catch. [Laughs] That does not sound like he likes Fischerandom at all. It sounds like he wants to ruin Fischerandom.
Anchor: He says “Simply pick a position and play it for a year. Next year a different position”.
Fischer: That is exactly what I’m trying to avoid! I’m trying to put the spontaneity back. He’s trying to do the same thing to Fischerandom that has happened to the old chess. I’m glad you told me that, I knew it was too good to be true.
Anchor: Let me give you another quote [reads from interview] “It seems to me that Fischerandom is one possible way to resolve the problem. I just heard about this and also that the reaction of chess players was, strange as it may seem, negative on the whole. From my viewpoint Fischerandom is entirely acceptable“. His view on this is positive.
Fischer: [long pause] Well, I’m receiving a lot of mixed signals there. I don’t like the sound... no, no, I don’t trust him at all. [Read more].

11th World Chess Champion Robert James “Bobby” Fischer publicly presenting his new Fischerandom chess on June 19, 1996 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Photo © 2013 Jorge Quiroga.

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