Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Number Story

Stockfish – Critter
Top Chess Engine Championship Season 21 — FRC4 League C;, December 28, 2021
rkbnnrqb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RKBNNRQB w FAfa - 0 1

Position #759

1. g4 g6 2. a4 d6 3. a5 a6 4. f4 f5 5. g5 e5 6. fxe5 dxe5 7. Nd3 Ne6 (7. ... e4 8. Nc5 Ne6 9. Ra4⩲) 8. Bd5 Nd6 9. Nc5 Rd8 10. d3 Qe8 11. Bxe6 Bxe6 12. Ra4

12. ... Bc8? An unnecessary prophylaxis that overdefends b7 but leaves the h7-Pawn vulnerable. Much better seems 12. ... Bg8! to which might follow 13. c4 Bg7 14. Rb4 Nb5! 15. cxb5 axb5 16. a6! b6! 17. Nc3 bxc5 18. Qxc5 Bf8 19. Qxb5+ Qxb5 20. Rxb5+ Kc8 21. Ra5 Bb4! 22. Rxe5 Rxa6 with a possible equality, Black’s two Bishops compensating for its minus Pawn. 13. Rh4± Qe7 14. Bd2 f4 15. Bb4 Qg7 16. e4 Nb5 17. Nc3 h5 18. Nd5 Nd4 19. c4 Nc6. 19. ... c6 20. Nb6 Qc7 does not appear appealing either, provided of course White abstains itself from winning the Exchange. 20. Bc3 Qf8 21. b4 Qg8 22. Qg2 Qf7

23. d4! Black’s centre disintegrates. 23. ... exd4 24. Rhxf4 Qg8 25. Be1! Be5 26. Bg3 Bd6. Or 26. ... Bxf4 27. Bxf4 with the fatal threat of 28. Bxc7+ Ka7 29. b5 axb5 30. cxb5 Rb8 31. Bb6+ Ka8 32. Nc7#. 27. Rf7 h4 28. Bf4 Rf8 (28. ... Qxf7 29. Bxd6+−) 29. Rxf8 Qxf8 30. Bxd6 Qxd6 31. Rf6 h3 32. Qd2 Qd8 33. Rf7 Qh8 34. Rxc7 Qf8

35. Rxb7+! Bxb7 36. Nd7+ Ka7 37. Nxf8 Rxf8 38. b5 Ka8 39. bxc6 Rf1+ 40. Kb2 Bxc6 41. Qxd4 Rf7 42. Nb6+ Ka7 43. Kc3 Rh7 44. Qd8 Bb7 45. Nd7 Rxd7. Black has no other move. 46. Qxd7 Kb8 47. Kb4 Bc8 48. Qe7 Be6 49. Kc5 Bg4 50. Kb6 Bd7 51. Qxd7 Ka8 52. Qa7# 1 : 0.

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