Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Sliding Doors

According to the Russian Chess Federation President Andrey Vasilievich Filatov, the basis of the conflict within FIDE is, once again, American-inspired. For further details, see Elena Sobol’s article Андрей Филатов: “Илюмжинов одержал маленькую победы, оставшись на посту Президента”, sport-express.ru, April 11, 2017.

So, according to Mr. Filatov, it all started from a letter of the United States Chess Federation (USCF) which would have kindly induced the uncompromising members of FIDE Presidential Board to make Kirsan Nikolayevich Ilyumzhinov self-resign on the occasion of their meeting of March 26, 2017. Sincerely speaking, however, nothing appears clear there in FIDE. The so-called “putchists” are the commanders-in-chief of the chess militias already. One should think that they organised a coup against themselves just to see who would have rallied to the cause of “national defence” of such a heavenly temple. Or maybe it was just the effective start of a long campaign for presidential elections in 2018. The (Far) West did not yet uncover their candidate, and maybe they fear (but just a little bit) that the “eastern” candidate will not be Ilyumzhinov.

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